9 – Creating Graphs For: Monthly Car Mileage,

      Car Expenses and Total Cost per Mile    


                                                            ( Version 5.0 )


      I – Procedure for Creating Graphs For

                              Monthly Car Miles


                1 -  The following Transaction Descriptions are already created:


            8010     Car 01: Odometer Miles

            8020     Car 02: Odometer Miles

            8030     Car 03: Odometer Miles


            8110     Car 01: Miles - Monthly Total

            8120     Car 02: Miles - Monthly Total

            8130     Car 03: Miles - Monthly Total



                2 -  The monthly car miles are obtained by subtracting the car

                       mileage obtained at the end of the last day of the month,

                       from the car mileage obtained at the end of the last day

                       of the previous month.


                3 -  The procedure to create the graph is similar to the procedure

                      Car 01: Odometer - Miles. See Section III.


      II – Procedure for Creating Graphs For

                   Monthly Total Car Expenses


                 1 -  The following Transaction Descriptions are already created:


             9010     Car 01: Expenses Monthly Total

             9020     Car 02: Expenses Monthly Total

             9030     Car 03: Expenses Monthly Total



                 2 -  See Chapter 10 for an example of how to obtain the

                      monthly total car expenses and how to enter a transaction.


                 3 -  The procedure to create the graph is similar to the procedure

                       for Monthly Car Mileage. See Section III.




      III – Procedure for Creating Graphs For

                   Monthly Car Mileage – Odometer


                 1 -  The following Transaction Descriptions are already created:

                       See the next two pictures.


              8010     Car 01: Odometer Miles

              8020     Car 02: Odometer Miles

              8030     Car 03: Odometer Miles


              8110     Car 01: Miles - Monthly Total

              8120     Car 02: Miles - Monthly Total

              8130     Car 03: Miles - Monthly Total







                     See Section 5 for examples of other Transaction Descriptions for

                     Car Expenses and Cost per Mile



               2 -  It is required to create the reporting periods before entering the transaction.

                     See next six pictures.




































               3 – Select  “Historic Data/Graph #2” from the menu to create the file GRAPH_2DAT.xls,

                    data for the graph, This is a Column Type Graph. See next four pictures.


                     Note: The Graph #2 is Column Type. After the file GRAPH_2DAT.xls is created,

                               select Graph #1 from the menu, which is a Line Type, but using the file

                               GRAPH_2DAT.xls to Import the data for the graph.









                      Do a click on the Continue push button to create the file GRAPH_2DAT.xls, data for the graph.




                                                                 Graph #2


               4 -  Select Graph #1, (Line Type Graph), from the menu “Historic Data/Graph #1”, but use

                    GRAPH_2DAT.xls  to Import File, instead of GRAPH_DAT.xls. See next seven pictures.










                      Double click on the graph plot area to edit Microsoft Graph.







                      Select  Import File  from the Edit  menu..






                     Select the GRAPH_2DAT file located in the  “C:\Pfinance\data\”  directory.






                      Note: This file contains the field Z2, Z3, and ceros, which can be erased with blank spaces.

                               See the next picture.







                       After the fields Z2, Z3, and undesired ceros are erased, do a click outside the graph

                       to exit from the option of updating the graph.






                     Use Microsoft Excel to copy and paste the graph.





              5 – Examples of other Transaction Descriptions for Cars 1, Car 2, and  Cars 3, 4, 5