10 – Obtaining Car
Expenses For Individual Car
If There Are
More Than One Vehicle
( Version 5.0 )
1 - Cars 1,
2, and 3 are defined in the Setup menu, under the submenu
“Vehicles / Items For Tracking Expenses”: See
next three pictures.
2 - The
code for tracking car expenses is included in the Transaction Definition.
See next four pictures.
3 - If the Transaction
Definition with the code for tracking expenses is included in a
transaction, this will be indicated in the
first line of the screen. See next five pictures.
4 - To
obtain the total expenses for an individual car, select the submenu
“Monthly Expenses For Individual Car”, under
the “Totals and Summary” menu.
See next three pictures.
Note: If there are more than three vehicles, for
example, with the following
Transaction Description:
Car 03: Gas (Credit)
Car 04: Gas (Credit)
Car 05: Gas (Credit)
after creating the
Excel file, (see picture below),
use Microsoft Excel to sort the file and add totals.
5 - At the
end of the month, enter the total expenses for the car, in one transaction.
See next five pictures. This is to facilitate the creation of graph, and
other analysis.
6 - To
verify the transaction entered, select the “Total per Description” submenu,
under the “Totals and Summary” menu. See next
three pictures.
7 – Obtaining Cost per Mile for Car #2
and Creating Graphs
Use Microsoft Excel for:
· Enter the car
mileage for the month
· Enter the car total
monthly expenses
· Calculate the total
miles for the month
· Calculate the total
car expenses: Life of the car-To-Date
· Calculate Cost per Mile
Enter these values in a transaction for
each month using the
Description already created.
Creating Graphs for Cost Per Mile.